Do You Know Your Boundaries In a Relationship?

2 minutes

What do you think of when you hear the word boundary? The outer limits of the school yard, where you aren’t allowed to go to. Physically this is true and we can usually see these boundaries and avoid them because they mean something we are not allowed to do or go to or be at. How do we know what the emotional boundaries are in a relationship? Some we automatically know, like do not kiss someone when you are both in a monogamous relationship, ask before you take something, don’t lie. These seem easy simple ones except there is a but in here……What one person thinks is ok the other one might not and unless you come together and talk about it then boundaries will be crossed and confusion can reign.

What one person thinks is ok the other one might not and unless you come together and talk about it then boundaries will be crossed and confusion can reign, especially when different personalities come into play

When a woman says FINE then usually it isn’t, that is a given in this day and age if you haven’t worked that out you had better start thinking hard. The Ross and Rachel “we were on a break” is a brilliant example of two people taking one sentence in different ways.

If there are major issues that arise you may need to write down your boundaries, that way both parties can see it read it and know that when you overstep that mark there will be consequences. Communication is the key, some are harder than others to communicate with, when you know the personality types then you get a deeper understanding.

If you would like to learn more about yourself contact us at or send a message through our Facebook page and start living your life and put some boundaries in, it will take a load off when you work out why we do things and react the way we do. 


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